I'm potentially looking at changing my current HP N40L Microserver to something that supports more SATA ports.
I don't really need a mahoosive CPU as I'm not doing and live transcoding, the emphasis is more on something that's frugal in power consumption but supports at least 6 drives.
Size-wise, there are a few uATX boards that look tasty, I did come across the Supermicro A2SDi-8C-HLN4F that looks good with 8+4 SATA ports. There is also an ASrockc2750d4i board, but apparently plagued with issues and dies after a year / 18 months.
Case-wise, I'd probably go for the Silverstone DS380B if I end up with a uATX board.
All of this is to run xpenology, so a strong preference for Intel chipsets and NICs.