Hey, I have moved back in with my parents and tried to set up a home network like I used to have with the people I lived before I moved house.
The Network goes like this ... My PC is a client, connected to my parents PC through a 20 Meter Ethernet Cable which is the host both running XP. At first when I ran the Microsoft ICS program they both spoke to each other, but the client couldn't access any websites at all or do anything Internet wise.
To this I installed Zone Alarm Pro as that is what I had on the old Network and could configure the host to let the client have access to the Internet, so I configured that and sure enough Internet access to the client was allowed, programs like Teamspeak2, X-Fire, Firefox all worked.
However, what puzzles me is that MSN Messenger is unable to sign in at all, and also Firefox can not access Myspace, Bebo, Hotmail at all ... it just seems to hang on these pages. Also browsing for games using Gamespy in ArmA doesn't show any games, yet I can still play online by entering a IP or searching in the filter for a specific type of name?
Now this did happen on my old network but I can't remember how I fixed it, I tried editing the MTF but this didn't help at all, so any ideas on what's causing this problem and how to fix it?