Going through another network redesign due to girlfriend moving in and wanting to have her pc attached in the study.
So far i'v come up with this design but have some questions to ask.
Is there anyway i can connect to my files on freenas securely from the internet when i'm out and about just by using the software already in freenas. When i was reading through i saw something about ssh but i wans't to sure about it. Ideally i'd like them to show up in my pc just like they do when they are connected locally as a network drive.
And the other thing is does anyone know any wireless network extenders that have two ethernet ports as i need one to reach the living room for the wii but my gf wants to be able to connect her two pcs (sometimes. Laptop is normally wireless) up via that in the study to transfer files faster and she doesn't want to do it where the router is as it my game room and apparantly its a tip
I had though about using a wireless router and enabling bridge mode but i don't know if that works.
That it then. i hope i'm not asking for to much but everything looks ok to do it's just i'm not quite sure where to start.