well the wired computer did it in 1 min and 19 seconds (the fact that wifi (g) was the bottelnech if a first), but was downloading @1.7MB/s, untill windows update decided to pop up and start downloading itself. That means an average of 1.300MB/s, and a max of ~1.780MB/s. That would be equivelent to 10.390MBPS, and 14.240MBPS, which is OK for a 18MBPS connection
Edit: is this what you meant by sync rate:
Bandwidth (Up/Down) [kbps/kbps]: 1,373 / 17,974 (from O2 wifi boxII)
Edit 2: Speedtest (which I now know is not a good way of testing your true speeds.) on the wired PC gives these speeds:
, which shows I need to go wired. Just need to convince my partens