Sent my old belkin wireless adapter back to belkin as I believed it was faulty, and they have now sent me out a new one. I added the new mac address to my router entering the network key on the pc upstairs too. Now for some reason at first it would only give me limited connection (no idea why). Then finally it gave me a full connection, but............................another problem popped up. Before when i used to hover the cusor mouse over the little wireless icon I would get the normal stuff with speed in 72 mbps for example. Now it shows 1.0 mbps I have no idea why!!! Speed test is showing 5.1 mb at the moment.
The reason I sent the other adapter back was because I was getting these low speeds. So for the last week I have been on my laptop and for a few days the speed would show 5.9mb going down to 1.3mb. Then the last two days only speeds of 9mb on my laptop.
So that kind of dispelled the thought that its an adapter problem!! Can't see its being my pc as the laptop had a funny turn with the speeds whcih then went back to normal. I did think it was the new wardrobe as that's when the speeds went iffy on the laptop, but that turned out not to be the case.
Some i'm lost!!!! Need some help on this please!!
Oh I should add the net is not slow at all!! Can go on to ign at not have to wait for a video to buffer. And i'm also using windows for the connection not the belkin software program.