Okay, I've been trying to turn my old spare netgear DG834G (v3) into a wireless receiver for my 360 and after wasted two hours trying to find a way of getting Tomato or DD-WRT firmware onto it I finally discovered DGTeama and stuck it on instead.
Now is the bit where my noobishness really comes through, basically I'm wanting to do this,
but don't really have a clue how to do this but I reckon these are the options I need to be messing with.The basic idea though is to get the DD-WRT [DGTeam in my case] router to get an IP address from your other wireless router connected to the Internet and then bridge that connection over to the devices [my xbox 360] we want to connect to the Internet.
Anyone any idea what I need to be doing in this menu to make my router act as a receiver?