I'm looking for a router for my house. our current one is playing up a lot lately, keeps dropping connection. its a plusnet supplied Thomson from a few years ago.
due to another problem we had with the phoneline not working a few weeks ago, we had BT out and they thoroughly checked the line and they re-screwed the wires in the cabinet at the end of the road - one had fallen out. so we know its not the line causing it.
we updated the firmware yesterday and it still drops connection.
so its new router time.
what we need:
4 or more 100MB ports, 1000MB would be nice
we are on plusnet premium 20mb, we get about 18mb or so most of the time, so it needs to support that.
for it to cost less than £50
completely optional
a USB port - either for network printer or a USB hard drive we can use for file sharing purposes.
what we don't need
wireless of any standard - i understand wireless comes on pretty much every router available, itll just get turned off as we've nothing and no plans for anything wireless whatsoever.
my dads seen this belkin F5D8635UK4A for £30, anything better than that for less than £50?
*mb Mb, MB may be wrong way about, you should know what i mean though