I've just had my garage converted into a sort of study. The phone point is about 1 meter away on the other side of the wall to where the PC will be. I use to use home plugs to get network to PC when it was upstairs and that is still an easy option but seems like a waste of electric vs drilling a simple hole. Just wondering which of these methods Hexusites would most recommend:
1. Use homeplugs - easy option but expensive
2. Drill cable sized hole and put ethernet/vdsl cable through and crimp plugs. (I don't care which side of the wall the router is)
3. Same as 2 but use faceplates.
4. Drill larger hole (say 20mm) and put complete cable cable through (this is fairly cheap but I don't have an SDS drill so it might take a while!)
5. Wireless although I'm concerned about latency (I have a cheap AC750 wireless router)
All have big pros and cons but most important to me is maximum DSL speed and I don't want costs to go to high. I don't have a crimp, IDC push tools or long drill bit (Needs to be 30cm for cavity wall). I can pick up a cheap crimp tool from amazon for £5 and its about £5~10 for a drill bit from screwfix which should be good enough for one cable but i'm concerned how hard it will be to get the crimp right (I've done some more basic plug style crimping and have a reasonable amount of microelectronics experience)...
Edit: This kit looks pretty good for a basic job for option 2. How big a drill bit would I need to put the cable through - 10mm?