Okay - according to the internet my public IP address is (I've replaced some numbers, of course).
In the router I've disabled the firewall and port forwarded the following:
Service Source IP Port Range Local IP Local Port Protocol
'Name' -left blank- '8999' 'local IP' '8090' 'TCP'
And then I've tried to access it from outside type the following into the browser: :8999
It was thinking for quite a while but eventually displayed: This site can't be reached.
What OS is the server running? - Windows 10 Pro, firewall disabled
What's the application you're trying to expose? - Some sort of a monitoring service, using mySQL (can give the name too if you're interested)
What's the model of the firewall? - Both Windows firewall and the router firewall are turned off while testing the connections
I should use Putty for this or just type it in the
cmd from a machine outside the network?