I've just purchased what I hope is a very cheap car.
It cost £20. Yes, £20. Only problem seemed to be a dead battery as it sat on my friends nans drive for a long time. We've stuck in a different battery, modded the circular battery holders into flat ones and off we go!
It's got the MOT tomorrow and I'm getting my hopes up on whether I'm going to mod it into a roving network hotspot. I've just purchased a WRT54GSUK which I'm going to stick some shiny new firmware on it (HyperWRT probably) and allow general public access to my storage device.
The storage will be an Asus WL-HDD which is a simple network based HD caddy. It's running hacked firmware made by Oleg from the old chupa forums (now wl500g.info) which converts the thumb drive USB port on the front to a webcam port. It'll also run an httpD.
To start with the project is so I can park it up outside my friends house etc and just access it from his wireless bits and pieces and dump across work documents
I intend to take the odd pic and post here if anyone is interested - I'd like to know what type of aerial or antenna would be best for this project involving as little drilling as poss. I'd prefer to have it attached via magnet or similar outside my window....
Any bright ideas? Since the power range can be upped I ought to get a fair range on it too if I do a good job on the antenna.