So I've using those Homeplug network adapters and the performance, which is fine for net surfing and the like but crap for steraming stuff from Vista MC and my server... Media Centre reports network speed that just make the grade for normal TV, even though I'm using supposed 200Mb Homeplug devices.
So I finally bit the bullet, bought 25m of network cable and an 18" long masonry bit and laid some cable from my router up through the ceiling in the office, across the loft, out the wall, down the wall and back into the living room just behind the telly.
Plug in at both ends and Media Centre is showing a full set of green bars, meaning HD streaming is maxed and so far, after an hour of watching TV whilst transferring recorded TV from my Vista PC to my server, I've not had any network drop out, congestion or pixellation and I'm now a very happy bunny.
Yes, I know in the scheme of things it's not earth shattering, but after 6 months of making do with the homeplug stuff, I'm bloody chuffed my streaming is back to how it used to be.
Now all I need is for Microsoft to pull their collective fingers out and issue a Vista update that lets me record to a network drive. (Yes, I know I can hack the registry and all that stuff but having done it once and being asked for a password every time I tried to access a network drive, I switched it all off again.)
Peace out.