Black Diamond and Lotus Flower...Ruby and Jasmine
I don't want to seem like I'm dumb here but gems have a smell?
See, last thing I heard, diamonds were just about one of the most inert things you could find, other than a sulky teenager, so I'm fairly sure they have no smell. So really what you're getting is just Lotus Flower...
And what's all this Go Concentrate guff Lenor are pushing?
It's all very noble of them to be caring about the environment and make it possible for us to soften our wash with smaller bottles.... but it does raise two questions.
1) Why didn't they just do the concentrate ages ago anyway? Because concentrate means that something isn't as diluted... and Lenor is water soluble, so what they've basically been doing is selling us watered down softener, or to put it another way... they've been selling us softener and water, ready mixed.
2) If they're so keen on the environment and removing lorries from the road by shipping more, smaller bottles that do the same amount of washing as the old softener, why are they still selling the big, non-diluted bottles? Surely you'd go all-out green? Force us to by concentrated stuff by not making the water-added variety.
Still, makes bugger all difference to me, I use Bold and that's three-in-one... though apart from washing and softening, I've no idea what the third is... maybe it's does the ironing too and I'm just not using it right.