You know, when I took this job on I thought it'd be all play, a bit of work and far more relaxing than what I used to do.... How wrong could I have been?
You guys have simply NO idea of how much work goes into producing the content for the HEXUS sites... it's quite simply terrifying!
For example, for the first time in months all of the HEXUS team were actually at their various homes, doing their thing... which may not seem that unusual, but at any given momoent one of us might well be off somewhere, either in the UK or abroad to cover an event or go and see some new kit, so us all being in the UK and at our PCs at the same time is an increasingly rare occurence.
Of course, some luck out more than others with Rys and PD being the poor recipients of a few days over in Ibiza giving it large on the dance floor while ATI told them about X1800, which, accroding to Rys, does a really realistic big fish, small fish, cardboard box.
Me, I get the less exotic but, I suspect, far more fun weekend in Sheffield shooting the hell out of anyone who came near me... except we had a blue-on-blue with Matt D accidentally loosing of a burst at point blank range and stitching me big time..
But as fun as this sounds, for every hour we spend collecting information to write about, we probably then spend at least two hours actually writing it up. I've shot hours of video footage but I'll only end up using maybe 2 or 3 minutes of it at the most... Similarly, I taken nearly 100 photos and only perhaps 15 or 20 of them are good enough to be used.
But while that's going on, I'm either tying up the loose ends of one project or setting up the beginnings of a new one... and we're all doing that all the time.
So before I headed off to Sheffield I was already working on the GameShadow article which went live on Wednesday... then as soon as I was back I was finishing that off and cracking on with the stuf from the weekend while then starting out setting up the Codemasters competition... and all the while I was keeping my finger on the poulse of the new releases of screenshots, game announcements and the last few dribbles of info from X05... phew.
And now, to top it all, I've quit smoking today, so hopefully my 20 a habit that sees me coughing up a lung each morning will soon be a thing of the past...
But enough of this for now, I've just been handed some rather juicy screenshots that you'll not find anywhere else and I need to crack on and get something written up for that... shame I haven't got a clue what it's all about... where's that damn Rys when you need him?