Not that I'm dwelling on it or anything you understand, but today is day two in my effort to give up smoking.
So far I think I've gotten off pretty light consdiering some of the near horror stories I've heard of people trying to quit.
I'm using the nicotine patches, which I have to say help greatly, though they taste terrible and are buggers to light, but it seems to be working.
Last night was a nightmare, I usually have a fag after dinner and another after I've put the kids to bed before maybe having one or two in the eveing and one last one before going to bed... so by 10.30pm I was feeling seriously unsettled and pacing about all over the house. I tried to just knuckle down and concentrate on something but I couldn't focus on anything for long at all... even the F.E.A.R. sp demo and King Kong demo weren't helping...
The only thing I found that settled me down a bit was going outside to where I normally have a fag and sit there and chew on some celery sticks.. I know, it sounds utterly stupid but that chilled me out a fair bit.
I went to bed last night convinced I'd be up all night gasping for a fag but no, I slept like a log and woke up at 7am feeling quite refreshed. It's amazing what habit does to you though as I was heading for the kitchen with the idea of gettnig the kettle and then getting a fag on too... so I made the tea and broke routine by keeping myself busy helping the kids get dressed and flashing at the missus as I came out the shower... always a winner, that one!
Another test came this morning too when I had to nip out and get a new network card. The trip to PC World isn't far, but if you know Dunstable/Luton, you'll know what nightmare the traffic is... it equals anything I've seen in London and in the car is where I'd normally smoke too... so here's where a bix party size fun pack of Wrigley's Extra came in handy...
Still, when I got home I was feeling smugly self satisfied in that I had stopped at the local garage, bought myself a Twix and another box of gum and hadn't succumbed to the temptation of buying a pack of ciggies.
When I got home there was a nice surprise waiting for me in the form of copy of Black and White 2.. which is nice...