So me and the other half are discusiing our Christmas purchases, now that we've had plenty of time to get used to them and find all the niggly stuff out that the intial euphoria of having a new piece of kit helps you to overlook.
So she's happy with her 12 disk CD changer, (now refitted to her new car), I'm chuffed with my Sat Nav and we're both well happy with the camera but the star of the show has to be the Xbox 360.
Yes, I know this is unlikely coming from my wife, but she finds the Xbox 360 an absolute boon, though purely for anything other than gaming.
That's right, the Xbox 360's quality media abilities have won over one of the most non-technical people on the planet... my missus.
She loves the fact she can view pictures of the kids by streaming them over the network from my PC, opr listen to music we ripped to the PC aaaages ago on some now abandoned project of mine...
And, since installing MCE and a TV card, she's loving the fact she can run it as an extender and enjoy Freeview telly with all the PVR and extras she wants.
Me? Well I like it for all the above reasons too, but mostly I'm loving it becuase at last I've got a new bit of kit int he house that my missus isn't whinging about...
Now all I've got to do is persuade her that we really do need an HDTV an I'll be happy...