I was baby sitting my 4 year old niece the other day and she likes to play simple games so she switched users to her own login on the win XP pc, opened firefox and showed me a couple of sites that her folks had preset for simple games. She really liked little flash games where you get to dress up a character in different outfits etc by clicking on buttons to change the appearance or making your own pizza/hamburgers etc.
However, I was amazed at the awful content; rubbishy music, long loading times with adverts for PCs etc, stereotypical content and poor design.
She's learning to read and write and knows her numbers etc and is quite savvy with pointing and clicking and can recognise words like play and stop.
I tried to find some decent children's sites but most seem to be one big advertisement, are a bit trashy and don't seem to have much educational value.
Has anyone got any recommendations? It would be much appreciated.