Lo parents.
Want to share something with you all, please.
How are you getting on with school book reading at home ? My lad is loving some books, bored with others.. and I make notes in the book in his school bag for the teacher to read and then make her comments in.
and sometimes..... I get berated for not reading with him... remotely, by comment in "the book". It's mainly because I fail to make note on when he reaads to me.. not that he has'nt done it. But ... honestly... if I think he's had a pair of books for long enough.. I note it.. and then.. he gets them again with a note saying he's not read them well enoough.
I love my boy.. I love his school too.. as does he... but surely there is a point when the teachers job is to teach.. not mine. When I was 5 3/4 I didn't have reading books from school and I didn't have a book for my mum/dad to note when I read them. But I did learn to read.
So... what's occured?
Why must a parent and child, with homework as well..... make notes on the reading at home of the school's books, so that new books will be issued?
We're already into the "child X is on brown label books..." comparisons... and he's not 6 yet!
I'm falling out of love with league tables...
He is good with numbers... (no suprise in my family) and very good at negotiation (no laughing, those of you who know me).. but reading.. average.