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I got three Akasa AK-FC-03 fan controller from Scan today and the Thermalright Ultra-120 from Microdirect. A bit of driving today on my day off!
The fan controller is great I love it! I turned down the stock AMD CPU fan from 3200rpm to 2400rpm and the case fans too. The silence is bliss and only a 1C idle temperature rise.
Drat: the knobs are 10.5mm so I should be okay if your measurement of the gap to the door is accurate. However, on the 5.25" rack does it have grooves so that you can move the drives in and out to a position of your choosing or are they single holes with just one positioon? The reason I ask is if the fan controller knobs are a problem I can just move the unit back so that its recessed rather than flush with the casing. I hope this makes sense. I hope I don't have to resort to this but its an option if the case allows for it.
Look forward to hearing from you!