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Temps seem ok, the restarting itself isnt though.
Did you enter the ram timings and subtimings manually? Yep all the timings have been entered manually. I checked the corsair site and if you use the tech guide it says to run TWINX2X2048-6400 RAM at 5-5-5-15-2T but then I also googled up a pdf which came from the corsair site and their test specs say 5-5-5-12-2T. I wasnt sure which to go with so I used the 5-5-5-15-2T. What does the 2T relate to?
Did you enter the correct ram voltage for your sticks (Vdimm). I just double checked at the settings and I believe i forgot this part out. Should I be running it at 2.5v or follow what that pdf I mentioned and set it to 1.9v?
Did you leave the cpu voltage on auto, or did you set it manually to 1.32?CPU voltage I havent touched, did what your guide said and left it on auto. Is this wrong then?