Ah okay, the review I saw said it was only 72%.
Not really. It's better to have a good single rail than dual rail. Dual rails came in ages ago when CPUs were ramping up in their power demands, now they don't use so much and it's other components that take up more, like gfx card.it has dual rails which is always good
Not at all, sorry. Anyway, how will you be using 400W? A hot pentium D 950 (overclocked) and thirsty x1950xtx based system only needs 256W http://www.silentpcreview.com/article28-page4.htmland my current psu only does 35A max on the 12V http://www.antec.com/specs/TPII430_spe.html so won't be too different just more wattage which in turn as I am using only 400W will in turn cause it to have less overuse and ultimately last longer. I know amps are the main thing when it comes to psu's but is it not true what I said about buying a higher wattage to stop strain???
So yeah, if you need the bling then maybe go for it, but as far as quality/efficiency etc go, you'll at best be taking a step sidewise, and probably (IMHO) actually taking one backwards.