Over the next few weeks I will be building/re-building 3 PC's. My current main PC which up until last weekend had an Arctic Freezer 7 Pro in it but now as a temporary measure has the stock Intel cooler in it as I broke the Arctic Freezer.
The other 2 PC are yet to be built, just waitning on the lovely guys and girls at Scan shipping my order so I can make a start.
My main PC at the moment is built around the Intel BadAxe mobo with a X6800 CPU, I will be moving this CPU to the BadAxe2 mobo I have coming and putting a E6600 CPU onto the old BadAxe board but am looking for a decent and quite coolers for both systems. Both housed in Akasa Mirage cases.
My final system that will become my main PC will be built around the Asus P5K3 Deluxe and the QX6850 CPU again I am looking for a decent and quite coller for this system. This will be housed in an Antec P182 case.
I was wondering if the Asus Silent Square Pro would be fine for all 3 systems, I don't plan to do any over clocking at the moment and just want to get all 3 systems stable at stock speeds. Will it fit ok on the above mentioned mobo's?
Anyone have any recommendations?