I have purchased a Thermaltake Purepower 500W power supply, which states that it is a ver 2.0. Many other PSU models are stated as ver 2.2. Have I purchased something that is, or will quickly be, out of date? I questioned the sales guy at Frys, but they assured me I have a good up-to-date supply. I looked up the spec for ver 2.2 at http://www.formfactors.org/developer/specs/ATX12V_PSDG_2_2_public_br2.pdf , but cannot readily see what improved in 2.01, 2.1 and 2.2 that I would need to build an up-to-date PC. To anyone out there that is familiar with the PSU spec - have I purchased a PSU that will serve me for a few years, or is it already obsolete?