ok...oc'd my xp1600 on a kt133a mobo i picked up for cheap.
got it at 156 * 10.5 at the mo with stock vcore & pc133, 100% stable but any higher, the pci bus limits it with hdd & gfx running out of spec. ram maxes out at 172 cas 3 & 163mhz cas 2.
anybody have any idea's why it takes 5 hours to do a seti unit?
my old pc chips m810 with stock xp1600 did an average unit in 4 hours 30! i didnt think the kt133a was this slow or is it? benchmarks exactly where it should in every benchmark ive ran on it but just doesnt seem to like seti!
btw, got via 4 in 1's installed. memorys running in cas 2.
the strangest thing is the kt133a performs a lot better in sisoft memory benchmark than the pc chips did, 700mb/s vs 1200mb/s.
dont get it!