When I got my shuttle ages ago, one of the first things I noticed was the noise of it, so since then I've been steadily working towards the quietest stsyem possible without resorting to extreme measures.
To this end I have a PAPST 80mm exhaust (might swap it for a noiseblocker when it arrives depending on noise levels), a massive zalman heatsink on the northbridge and a 250W SIlentX PSU (much better than the standard one )
Now the only annoyance is my Radeon 9700pro as it has an annoying whine, so I've been hunting around for a suitable alternative to cool the card down. The main problem is the amount of space around the card as there is pretty much no room around the card as the side of the shuttle is only a fewmm away from the standard HSF and there is no room behind it as I have a massive DVB-C tv card in there. I was hoping for the zalman heatpipe but thats far too big. are there any other options suck as low profile passive coolers or very quiet fans that I can use to replace the existing one?
Cheers Marc