Hi, I'm new to the community but along time reader. I thought I'd post a quick message of pain.
Last weekend I switched my P.C on to be prompted with the checksum error. I realised this basically means the bios defaulted its settings and so my dual booting didnt work etc.
I changed the CMOS battery and again the BIOS resulted in a checksum error. I then changed my bios setting to how i had them before the problem occured. I was then prompted with the boot menu but for some reason my keyboard didnt work. SO i couldnt pick the correct OS at boot time.
arghhh, The keyboard does work initially because I had to enter the bios to change the harddisk/ floppy disk settings.
I then left the system from friday to sunday. Now the check sum error is back and will not boot, so basically looping my problem again.
If any one has any ideas then please post,
I have flashed the BIOS, changed the CMOS Battery and now i'm considering updating the BIOS also. Is there a way of booting the BIOS flash files from CD? without creating a floopy disk etc.
thanks for your support!