Now that my cpu temps have gone down slightly, i want to try abit of overclocking albeit small oc's.

I am aiming for a humble 3Ghz.

Specs are in sig, and my RAM is running 55518 i think and not on recommended settings.

Anyway i've read up on Overclocking, but i'm a noob, so i would be grateful for any assitance.

So can anyone recommend me some safe settings for a 3Ghz oc?

I'm thinking, 333x9, but not sure what to do with voltages and ram dividers, should i just leave them on auto settings? and would having the divider at 1:1 with a 333fsb be ok? i think the divider at stock is 4:5, so dont really know how that would get, but i assume 1:1 would give me 667mhz, which would probably be an underclock for the ram (?)

Also should i leave the settings for the pci-e and pci to auto or lock them at there default speeds? (100Mhz and 33mhz)
