im after some advise pls on how best to set up my new hard drive, got a new core i7 system incomming in the next few days with a 750 GB Samsung HD753LJ Spinpoint F1, SATA 300, 7200 rpm, 32MB Cache, 8.9 ms, NCQ. the pc will be mainly used for gaming, so i want the best set up.
my old cowboy method was just to stick xp on the disc n go from there
whats the advantages of partitioning off the drive?
what sort of size partitions are best?
would there be any advantage in using my 4yr old 80gb hitachi deathstars also in the new build or would this slow things down?
system specs : i7 920, asus p6t deluxe, 3gb corsair ddr3 1600mhz, radeon 4870.