A few weeks ago I built a new rig using a HAF 932 case, which uses 3x230mm fans and 1x140mm. (Other specs in profile)
I also have 2 Noctua 120mm fans on a TRUE.
All 6 fans are currently connected directly to the PSU via molex, but my motherboard has the following fan headers:
4 pin CPU_FAN (with support for 3 pin connectors as far as I can see)
3 pin CHA_FAN 1
3 pin CHA_FAN 2
3 pin CHA_FAN 3
3 pin PWR_FAN
Given that I have 6 fans, all but one could theoretically be plugged directly into the motherboard, reducing cable mess significantly.
Would the motherboard headers actually be able to run the fans at their full rated speeds, including the 230mm fans? What is the difference between the CHA_FAN headers and the PWR_FAN header?
The motherboard is an ASUS P6TD Deluxe.
Thanks for any help