i recently decided to o/c my 9700np and cpu has been for a while and i was thinking about switching to watercooling due to niose/better performance and i could reuse the wc kit in future setups.
i had a look on www.over-clock.co.uk as they seem the best place in uk online for w/c type stuff?
i used the custom wc kit builder thingy and it came to aobut £400 lol, so im not doing that.
im probly getting a second hand wc kit, which has maze2 cpu block. im only concerned about the mounting the cpu block on my nf7-s rev1.1 but ill find another way to mount it if i need to. if i get it ill be adding a gfx and mobo blocks to it sometime sooonish, which i *might* be making myself as i have lots of copper and tools to make them with so if any one has done this before or knows where i can find out about custom wc blocks tell me
ok heres questions:
[list=1][*]wot sort of water or stuff to add to water do i need to buy? prev owner used brita filter water + a lil bit of fairy liquid, this wouldnt damage/corrode any of the kit would it? i know its more of a risk if it leaked as distilled doesnt conduct?[*]is 600lph pump enuf for cpu gfx and mobo blocks? if its not i suppose i can always buy another pumpm hand have 2, one for mobo and gfx and the better one for cpu[*]does any where sell blocks for r9700np for cooling gpu aswell as the mem?[*]best block for nf7-s northbridge of mobo?[*]my case isnt tooo big, and the rad looks big, would it b ok to have outside the case? [*]cheap relay to turn pump on with pc - not sure if its ac or dc pump[*]also how good is maze2? im going to be running my 1700+ at atleast 2.2ghz+, with 1.8v+, will this give good temps?[*] i have a mini fridge, which uses a 27w tec. could i stick the rad, assiming it fits, inside the minifridge and not get condensation on anything in my case without lots of foam etc...?[/list=1]
also any one knwo if the post office is open on monday (bank holliday)? and/or an alternative to RMSD for the wc stuff if its over 2kg, cos then the price goes up alot (from £7 to £18)