Hi all
I'm looking to buy a new PC, HL2 being the main aim. I was going to go with an XP2500, 1gb RAM and 9800pro which I'd consider adequete... But I've recently come across this up for grabs 2nd hand:
Firstly I'll be trying to buy without the case as I can't stand modded cases! Just a personal thing.Amd Athlon XP 2500@3200+ w/ Coolermaster Aero7 Lite
Abit NF7 Motherboard - Onboard Nforce2 sound, network.
512mb (2x256) DDR 3200 RAM, Running in Dual Channel
80gig Western Digital 8mb 7200rpm Cache Hard Drive
80gig IBM Desktar 7200rpm Hard Drive
Geforce FX 5900@5950 128mb(Bios flashed to 5950, runs at 5950u speeds stock)
16x DVD Drive
52x24x52 Philips CD/RW Drive
400W PSU
UV Reactive rounded IDE cables (goes well with the UV Cathodes )
Premodded case with Window - http://www.eehee.co.uk/peecee.jpg (Old picture, no UV stuff in that pic)
4 Blue LED Fans, 1 UV Fan. 2 Blue Cold Cathodes, 1 UV Cold Cathode, 2 Light Tubes on front of case
As to the contents... I'm asking whether it's a thoroughbred or barton, obviouslly prefering a barton. Slightly worried about the IBM HDD in there, they as bad as I've heard? Also need to find out if they're SATA or IDE, again SATA being a preference.
The mobo seems ok to me, but would I be better buying without the gfx card (or selling it) and getting a 9800pro instead?
And lastly I'll be wanting to stick it all into a black coolermaster preatorian, so I'll want the drives to match up. Coolermaster sell these:
which I guess one or two of you will have experience with, could you tell me how they work please? Fit all drives ok?
Assuming I buy that, would I be alble to stick another 512mb RAM in and keep it all running in dual channel mode? I really don't understand RAM I'm afraid
And finally, a rough cost without case?
Now, would I be better building a similar system myself from new (I guess not) or building an A64 machine?
Sorry for the length, but I want to get my purchase right.