I'm looking for a 'slogan' for Ultim8pc & we've had lots of thoughts already.
But, I thought that I'd post here & ask if anyone has any ideas - if I choose your slogan, then we'll send you a VIA EPIA 5000 mobo for your efforts.
In case you don't know, Ultim8pc specialise in selling Small Form Factor components - mini-itx, Shuttle, LEX, Biostar, IWill, Soltek.
The slogan needs to be short & obviously have an Small Form Factor slant.
Some of the ones we already have:
Where small is big
Proof that size doesn't matter
Where small is the next big thing - (Think Walibe.com has something similar now)
We don't do big
Big is out - small is in
Size isn't everything
The Ultim8 in small computing
Contemplate the Ultim8
Big isn't beautiful.
Big ideas small solutions
So, feel free to think up more!