I need some help please with discerning what to do to increase the quality of audio from my PC. I currently have a MSI Z77 GD55 motherboard and I user the on-board sound (RealtekĀ® ALC892).
My usage is mainly games but I also use it to listen to music occasionally. I was look to upgrade my PC somehow and although I know i could spend it on a newer SSD (I cant face transferring/reinstalling windows) and a newer graphic card (so far my games run fine on 1080p) I though increasing the audio would be worthwhile as it is pretty poor currently.
I play my game with headphones (cheapish SoundMAGIC E10 headphone) or play music through my computer speakers (Logitech Z523). What should I spend my money on, i though about a Asus Zonar card which might also remove some cpu load supposedly (can't imagine it is much) but might i not be better going digital so as to ignore the analouge? How do I do that, what do i need to make a noticeable improvement to my setup, what i don't understand is where to put my money (new headphones, soundcard, i see talk about DAC box like FiiO but i don't really understand what i will notice). Help?