I am building a PC for a mate and am stuck on how to install the mother board into the case.
Usally you use spacers (little brass things) to seperate the mobo from the back of the case, so it dont blow up when powered on)
However the case he has seems to not need the spacers
There are just lumps that come up with a hole for the screw. I dont wanna screw straight onto the case though as it could damage the mother board
Heres a image to try and explain it better,
The red circles show the lumps with a hole where the screw is surposed to go, but that means the mother board will be touching the case. There are no other parts that came with it to seperate it.
The case is from aria.co.uk, called arianet midi tower 2 blk/cream 420w http://www.aria.co.uk/ProductInfoComm.asp?ID=10235
Any ideas ?