Right, been trying to post this message for ages and it wouldnt go, so lets hope you get it all this time!
I'm getting a paid early january with my extra bit of money earnt over xmas, and I was planning to upgrade my MoBo and CPU to 64-bit (from an NF7-S and Barton 2400 OC'd to 3200 speed).
My budget will be about £200-250 for the MoBo and CPU (will be using my old DDR400 dual channel memory) and it needs to have SATA (2 ports at least) and SATA RAID, firewire, usb (of course, ideally 4 ports as my mouse and keys are USB).
Also is there any arguements for and against 64 bit processors that it would be worth knowing before I invest?
Thanks for you help
-Leonard Burton (aka RufusKing)