Right well i was told to post this in the hardware section instead of the .systems forum so here we are =]
Also ill have to look in to that card, its the only one i found going around the net due the to complete lack of the 6800GTs' :/ But what im after is the SLI on the 6800GTs' 256MB prefably.
Right well i have currently been building a new system for myself mainly for gaming, i have been racking my brains with a big help from Kez to come up with this mahine. Thanks Kez
Here is the pc i hame come up with so far. I have included the items name and a link to where im currently going to purchase it from, inluding a price at the end.
Although it might not be the "Best" gaming machine out there i think it will do me good, and i must also mention i dont want to be going in debt with this thing.
I would very much appreciate it if you could post your views on this machine.