This is the story: Just got a brand new DFI NF4 Ultra, a Winnie 3000, a FX5900 PCIE, a pair of G.Skill 1G PC4000, 2 Maxtor 160G SATA, 1 Samsung SpinPoint 160G ATA133, 1 Hitachi 7K250 160G ATA133 (as Master). Optical : 1 Artec DVD-rom, one Nec 3500a. Bios 1/25/2005 (cannot update atm)
I try to install windows on the Hitachi first, boot from CD, EVERY time the line at the bottom comes to "Starting up Windows" it go BSOD. i tried with every other drive, same thing.
Ram was checked, 8h memtest86. CPU and mobo burn-in tested 6h, no prob. Scan every hard drive, still no error. (all was done using UBCD 3.1). Different memory pattern, different Bios setting was tried as well.
Anyone got an idea of wat maybe the cause? ATM i thinking of the mobo, cause can't really test it, if anyone in Cambridge have a Winny and willing to help me out it's great.