I had sold 3 of my harddrives to my friends 4 months ago. They phoned me recently. Last week one of the 160G I sold to them went dead. This week another one of the 120G went dead, and seems the THIRD one I sold to them having trouble reading data.
Those harddrives were running 7x24 for around 6 months at 25'C, 5.00V at 5V rail, 11.97V at 12V rail with very light load (just storing data). SMART reporting 100% health when they left. No bad sector at all, reallocated sectors are full. I cleaned them, reformatted them before sending out. The Maxtor warranty ended (crap 1 yr)
Should I be held responsible for those failures? Should I be giving them full refund? I offered them 10 quids per failed harddrive as compensation, is that enough? I'm really thinking of not selling any of my harddrives. They seems to be being cursed Does harddrives not like "changing environment"?
Freezer trick doesn't work, motor won't spin up. I'm unsure if its the motor which is dead or the control circuits. There does not seem to be burnt mark on the PCB. Could anyone recommend my friends some cheap (but reliable) data recovery company?
Or at least some other tricks that may make the harddrive run?
I afforded my own RAID1/5 but unfortunately not everyone bother to deal with RAID (Everyone only think of RAID0, or no RAID at all).