have finally got the money to help buy some kit(b/day tomorrow)
i will buy an athlon 64 processor, winny or venice (cost dependant, not sure on 3000 or 3200? may o/c a little. not sure what i need. play alot of FPS's and footy manager and startegy games - command & conquer etc.
i am thinking of the gigabyte GA-K8NXP-9 as it seems a good board, not SLI - don't want it really. Also, one of the ABIT fatality AN8 s939 boards. i play lots of games. the DFI seem good but to expensive.
i can spend around £90 on a brand new mobo, but may go S/H to save some cash.
i also want a pci-e g/card and i may go for the 6600gt as they seem good and a bit better than my 9800 pro card in my system now.
is the above ok, should i get better or is there better than what i shortlisted out there for better money?
i have 2 x 512 meg strips dual channel of geil ram. sata 160 gig hdd and ata 40 gig hdd. windows at present, but will get a matching sata drive.
help, if i need it?