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Thread: Wierd overclocking problems...

  1. #1
    HEXUS.bouncer Jonny's Avatar
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    Wierd overclocking problems...

    Righty ho, I have;
    3000+ Winchester
    MSI K8N Neo 2 Platinum
    2 x 512 Corsair TwinX 3200XMS
    Stock Cooling.

    I set out to overclock the system, and began by finding the max speed of each component.
    CPU topped out at ~2370, RAM at ~260, and motherboard seemed limitless.
    It was ok to run at 1000 HTT.
    I decided that I would reduce the HTT multiplier to 3, and run the HTT at 240.
    This would keep every part of the system within it's limit.

    But no!

    I can only reach 225 Mhz before the system reboots if i'm using clockgen, or doesn't boot at all if I'm using the Bios.

    Why is this? Extra voltage doesn't seem to help, and I don't think it's overheating.

    I have no idea what is holding it back, as I believe that all my components are sound well beyond this speed!

    Thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    Senior Member ifyouknowme's Avatar
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    that is strange

    weve overclocked a k8n plat very effectivly before and we never incountered that problem u could try loclking the pci frequencys and agp and ram to standard or just over standard
    dfi sli-dr | AMD64 3700+ san | 2 Gb kingston PC3200 | SLI XFX 6800GT | emu 1820m + ADAT 32 channel audio card | 600w modualar PSU | 300Gb maxtor maxline | 3 X 300 samsung spin point sata2 hdds | 70Gb raptor | akasa case | Zalman Reserator 1 Plus with two cpu blocks |
    ifyouknowme also know as HEXUS|Mrbeef

  3. #3
    Not Very Senior Member RavenNight's Avatar
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    It could be your mobo, the overclocking of components varies massivley even between identical items. My mates AMD 3000+ is stable with stock cooling 300MHz more than mine.

  4. #4
    HEXUS.bouncer Jonny's Avatar
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    I tested the max speed of the Northbridge by dropping CPU multiplier to 3 and RAM divider to 100 and increasing HTT. I got bored and stopped before it even crashed once - it was easily over 400.

  5. #5
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    You did them separately, now try them 2 at a time. See if you can get teh CPU to go over HTT 225 with a memory divider to keep the RAM at a lower speed.

    The CPU might have gone up fine on it's own, but that's no guarantee that the Winny mem controller likes running at that higher speed. If you were able to up the CPU higher before with a low memory divider, try that again, and just up the HTT speed.

    A64's don't care all that much about the bandwidth anyway. If you can get the CPU to OC stable with the memory on a divider, then do it.

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