I am going to build a new machine and wil go for a 4400+ X2 (current machine is a Barton 2500+ - so a good upgrade for me I feel).
Its not a gaming machine so will put either a nVidia 6600 graphics card or maybe a 6600GT if funds permit. 1GB of memory (OCZ or Corsair). Heatsink wise I like to go with a Scythe Ninja.
2 -4 HDD's in the machine currently which I will move into this upgrade and a DVDr drive.
1 - Does the 6600GT make a big diffenrence to the 6600 in non-gaming scenarios?
2 - What level of PSU power will I need? I was thinking of a 430 Seasonic S12 (I like a quiet PSU and silentpcreview.com rate this). Do I need more power?
3 - Which motherboard? Quiet, easy and stable and allow basic oc'ing. Really lost here as I thought about a DFI Ultra D but it seems to have memory compatibility and also big PSU requirements. Asus A8N SLI is quiet (heatpipe) but costs more and I don't need SLI.
Help! (Esp the motherboard!)