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Thread: Tagan Problems?!

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Tagan Problems?!


    i have had my TAGAN 480-U01 since it first came out (march 04), and brought it with several upgrades in mind.

    anyhoo, recently i moved onto the 64bit ladder, and alls been great (opteron 165/dfi sli-dr/evga 7800GT CO/1gb mushkin tccd/160gb seagateX2 raid0) and ive been enjoying great games.

    anyhoo, yesterday, this strange thing happened. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, while my PC was booting up, I heard this random sort of click (as if something had come loose from somewhere, or id dropped a pen ontop of my case) and i didnt think much of it, but seconds later, this really strange smell started coming out of the computer.

    so off i run to the back of the case, and pulled the AC cord out, fearing the worst.

    The smell was rather like when my bro burnt his athlon XP by not putting the HSF on properly. Now i know i didnt touch anything, and the HSF was cool and the fan had been spinning ( i couldntve incorrectly mounted it - was getting temps 19-20idle-->28load) and all was well in the past.

    so i looked at everything, fearing that my new gfx card could be screwed, but it seemed fine.

    i then smelt everything close up and it seems that the smell was coming from the PSU!

    so, i stupidly decided to try again - but as soon as id put the power cord into the PSU and turned the back switch on, this strange ticking could be heard coming from the PSU. I decided that id just spent an awful lot of money on my new pc, so didnt turn my computer on after hearing that clicking. I checked the psu, and nothing was obstructing any of the fans, and nothing was where it shouldnt be (but the noise was coming with the PSU off!!).

    so what do i do now?!

    does this sound like screwed psu? my pc is fine, it booted up ok with a crappy psu just to test, and i dont know who to contact re tagan.

    i only heard good things - i brought it from scan, so should i talk to them?! i just hope i can get it resolved ASAP! i hate having to use my old athlonXP - used to the dual core now!

    so, do u think i should RMA?!

    thanks in advance anything you think!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Contact Nanopoint, they deal with all Tagan Warranty issues. They will issue an RMA number, deliver a new PSU and pick up your old one at the same time.
    'All days should be weekends...i'd never complain then'

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