Gents (and Ladies if there are any on here)
Some of you already know that I am from Beast Computers so I'd like to ask your opinions on something the Beast team are mulling over...
We recently received a request for a 'shuttle gaming system' quote (which is not a standard product of Beast). Now, I have seen many reviews on this type of system, some of them good. However, I'm not convinced that something this small is really for performance use? I'd like to hear people's thoughts on this to help us make our decision whether to have 'shuttles' as standard products.
Sure, we can build anything but we prefer to give a potential customer our honest opinion and recommendations when enquiring about anything and then letting them decide based upon their own needs, wants and the info we have given them. We are split as a team at the moment as some of us think it's something we should be doing, and some of us think we'd be jumping on the band wagon and fobbing people off by telling them it's a gaming machine, when it's clearly just another way of trying to compete with those cheeky enough to claim they are gaming machines.
Please, your thought's would be greatly sppreciated. Thanks in advance.