I've assembled my Shuttle and have been merrily (Christmas theme there) playing a few of the latest games. I'm having a few problems when i try to overclock with regard to stability. See system in sig.
When I push the P4 up to 3GHz it boots to the desktop and everthing seems to run smooth. Then i try to run 3Dmark and usually it runs ok. However as soon as i get to 3.1GHz or higher it crashes to the desktop during one of the demos. I think the crash is related to how high the CPU is clocked. The higher the speed the quicker it crashes.
I have also got the 9600 pro o/ced to 520 clock 600 mem. Depending on how high the CPU is i try to match the ram speed.
ie when the CPU is at 3GHz or under i set the ram to 320 which overclocks it to 380 i think (when the FSB is changed. Any higher and i drop it down to 266MHz which pushes it to 330-340.
What are the best programs out there for testing the stability of the setup? Ideally i want to run everythibg at the highest stable speed but i should be able to get the CPU above 3GHz shouldn't I? The system will also crash when overclocked when playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
I have monitored the temps and the CPU has never got to 50c at load. Also the gfx card hardware monitor shows it is running quite cool.
Does the low speed of the RAM have an effect?
Thanks for the help.