I have an ASUS P4T-E M/B
What I don’t know is whether this M/B supports a 120GB Hard Drive & what’s the largest it can support?
I think its 120GB, but I'm not sure!
Could anybody verify this please?
Once this matter is resolved, I would like to buy a new Hard Drive. So what's my best choice for a 120GB HD?
Should it be at 7200RPM or 10000RPM? Or it would make any difference in speed?
Western Digital?
Sea Gate?
I was told that Sea Gate is the fastest and most reliable choice.
Any opinions will be appreciated.
I will have to buy one soon, as my 20GB W.Digital HD is seriously overwhelmed!
The new one will be placed as a secondary HD (For Backup mainly) along side the 20GB one, which is where WinXP is installed.
Thanks in advance.