sometimes i get random memory errors it started a few months ago with my driving thoery test having memory errors sometimes.
now its getting more fregrent such as opera memory error and more worryingly avp.exe memory error which kaspersky internet secuirty.
atm ive got two corsair value 512mb dimms.
i found that memory is quite cheap these days so i want better ram.
budget is around £100 for 1gb of ram.
can be eiether be just one one 1gb dimm or two 512mb dimms i dont mind.
im looking at stuff like Ballistix and corsair xms can you give me links to ram like above for around £100 for my MOBO?
i havent looked to see how many pins my current ram has so thats why i provided a link for my mobo so people can provide me with proformance ram that will work with it.
my motherboard is a socket 754
thats a link to my motherboard.
i have found these
will these work with the mobo in the link posted above?
i just read a thread about what makes memory faulty and found out some useful infomation.
ive got a hiper psu which i belive is high quality.
if i got the cash should i get a UPS to protect my mobo hard drives memory etc?as well as buying new ram?
i dont really want to buy high proformance ram and get power spikes and get the ram ruined.
thanks in advance