building a machine for a mate, everything connected properly, but the thing will not boot past the first screen which states the sata raid array thing.
now, i have an msi k7n2 mobo with an xp2500 barton core. i originally went into the bios and changed fsb to 200, but nothing else was changed.
i have bought him a 160gig SATA maxtor HDD and connected it to mobo. do i have to use 2 hdd's with sata or can i have just the one?
it freezes when i press anything, but twice when i left it, it came up with boot from cd: but wouldn't let me do ouwt. could i need to somehow try and get into the bios and select boot floopy first, which is what i thought i had done, or am i missing something like a jumper setting?? i have read the manual's 3-4 times but the sata one says nowt about single drive's, just about RAID functions.
also, is this the worst designed mobo ever or is it just me? tis a pain to put the additional firewire adaptors in the back bit's as they have all jumpers and things pooking out of the thing!
please help someone. will i have to buy a normal ata133 hdd for him instead?
this mobo