Hello everyone!
So, here I was looking around the net at MMORPGs and I noticed that Guild Wars is looking pretty hot. My honey and I would like to try it out before we plop down the $80 for it for the both of us; anyone out there who still has trial keys? Even one would do, just so we can take a quick gander. ( I just got a key on another Forum, so I just need one more so we can try it together tonight)
Mind you, I am not looking for the trial key for the add-on games, but the one for the original gae (That was Prophecy, correct?) We are long time (Mumble-mumble- Runescape- Mumble ) players, and we are looking at upgrading to a more grown-up game. RS was fine for a while, as we both decided we hated Evercrack, after trying it. Any comments on GW? If I read the website correctly, it's kinda of an in between the two; grown up enough to keep the attention of an avid long-time player, but without being as obnoxious as EQ or WOW can get at times and super 9to11 year-old loaded as RS. Any comments? Or did I just get on board and raised a nest of hornets? Friendly gaming hugs to all your pixels! Cynan