Its very hard to do Tumble m8.
Pulling your stick all the way back into a turn until the other guys fills your gunsight is the most instinctive and natural thing for us to do, and is very effective - after all, how do you deal with an opponent who is so maneuverable he is aways pointing his guns at you regardless of what angle you come at him ?
B.n.Z requires huge spatial awareness compared to T'n'B, you need to have good idea of not only exactly where the other guy is (especially as you can't see him) but also his energy state in comparison to yours.
Is he at the bottom of a dive preparing to slingshot back up to you ? Is he wallowing at the top of a climb ready to dive ? You need to be fuly aware of his energy state as he can so easily reverse the situation on you if you get it wrong.
It also requires good deflection shooting skill, 90% of boom and Zoom attacks are slashing attacks where you aren't parked comfortably on the other guy's dead six, at best he is going to be flashing across your gunsight requiring you to fire of a perfectly timed hail of bullets into his path.
It isn't easy, not by a long shot, but damn is it effective
This is why the Fw190 kicked the cr@p out of the Spit in 41-42, and how the P-38 / Corsair beat the Zero in the Pacific.
Done well, the BoomZoomer will win every time, and there is simply no reply to it, but its admittedly damn hard to do on a 17" screen