A few pointers for you buddy!
1) To get the damn thing in the air try the IL2, its slow but a piece of pee to fly. The 153 is a great truning plane but too damn fiesty on take off unless you're really gentle with the throttle. In that plane open the throttle gradually during your take off run.
2) Always use the runway. Its a pain in the butt lining up on it, but use the look to the left and right to get yourself fairly even, then when looking forwards keep the amount of runway you can see at the sides even on take off.
3) Use the flaps!
4) Tuesday night I'm gonna put up an easy server from about 7ish onwards, probably earlier, I won't be on myself until at least 9ish but there's bound to be people around to help you out.
5) Don't give up... this is probably the most satisfying game you will ever own!
/edit. Just had a thought, you're in Hemel yeah? Can you find some time to come to the LAN? We're meeting in Aylesbury, so if you're free anytime that weekend we can show you the way forward no problems.
Get over to mine this Saturday as we're having a wee get together and there's bound to be a bit of FB action.