I had the honour of bumping into and chatting to two WWII pilots today at my flying club. One was an ex Mosquito pilot, and the other an ex Swordfish pilot. Sadly I couldn't muster the courage to ask them about their wartime tales (well you just don't do you), but we chatted about their grandchildren and the benefits or otherise of viagra . Both were in their 80's and still getting airbourne - good on 'em.
I myself, the new pilot in question, went out on a land away trip to Conington executing a dodgy landing, then returned to Norwich to execute another dodgier landing. Got a nice view of Peterborough and surrounds.
I got see two F-15s climbing across my nose as I heading back north of Lakenheath.
Here's a piccie of my stead (the droopy looking Cessna, closest) parked up with the rest at Conington.